Onion and Garlic (raw, cooked, or powder form): large amounts damage red blood cells and may lead to anemia *note: baby food often contains onion powder, so avoid feeding this to your dog
Fish bones: obstruct the digestive system
Chocolate and Cocoa Powder: caffeine and theobromine can cause problems with the nervous system and heart
Caffeine (coffee, tea): can cause problems to a dogs heart and nervous system
Citrus oil extracts: can cause vomiting
Grapes and raisins: eaten in large quantities can lead to kidney failure and death
Too much cooked liver: vitamin a toxicity impacting the muscles and bones (liver in moderation is perfectly healthy for your dog)
Macadamia nuts: can cause muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and elevated heart rate
Raw eggs: risk of salmonella or E. coli, there is also an enzyme present in raw eggs which interferes with the absorption of a B vitamin causing skin problems
Mushrooms: amanita phalloides is the most common toxic mushroom to dogs and can lead to liver disease and neurological disorders
Alcohol: has the same effect on a dog`s liver as it does on a humans, but it takes a significantly less amount to cause damage including: vomiting, diarhea, central nervous system depression, problems with coordination, difficulty breathing, coma and death
Bread dough (yeast): uncooked bread dough, if ingested will rise in your dog`s stomach, causing swelling and stretching the abdomen causing severe pain
Xylitol (a sugar-alcohol sweetener contained in gum and candy): can be toxic if consumed in large amounts
Ibuprofen: causes ulceration and decreases blood flow to the kidneys
Fat trimmings in excess: in excess, can cause pancreaitis
Hops: a plant used in the making of beer, ingestion causes malignant hyperthermia in dogs
Nutmeg: causes seizures, tremors, and problems to the central nervous system
Potato & Rhubarb Leaves: Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
Tomato and tomato plants: I`ve read that ripe tomatoes are not toxic, but the green parts of the tomato plant can cause dilated pupils, tremors and irregular heartbeat
Avocado: contains persin and can damage the heart and lungs
Peaches & Pears & Persimmons: the seeds and pits can cause inflammation of the small intestine in dogs, they can also cause intestinal obstruction.
Raw salmon: can lead to Salmon Poisoning Disease (SPD). Symptoms may begin to occur 5-7 days after the dog has ingested an infected salmon and include lethargy, high temperature, vomiting, blood diarrhea, and enlarged lymph-nodes. Symptoms are similar to Parvo and Distemper and if left untreated have a mortality rate of 90%
Salt: large amounts of iodized salt and salty foods can lead to pancreatitis
Moldy or spoiled food: can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea
Great to see all of the bad things in one spot... Surprisingly, i only knew a few of these!